Flexible, Innovative Solutions Created by RBS

The Latest Tech from Reading Bakery Systems

Our Reading Bakery Systems engineers are always exploring new technology that revolutionize your equipment and processes, keeping you on the cutting edge of snack production.

Discover the latest tech to learn how you can optimize performance and maximize product output.

RBS Designs Emithermic XE Oven to Replace Direct Gas Fired Oven Technology

The new Thomas L. Green Emithermic XE Oven is a superior replacement for traditional DGF ovens. This new oven reduces energy and emissions, and simplifies cleaning and maintenance, while improving cracker baking performance.
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RBS Electric Oven Options: Baking for a Better Tomorrow

RBS oven designs offer electric heat and other solutions to reduce costs, conserve energy, and minimize emissions.
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RBS Redesigns Thomas L. Green Sheeting Line

The redesigned Thomas L. Green Sheeting Line System is a more streamlined and flexible system offering improved maintenance features and easier sanitation.
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RBS Adds Baked Pita Chip System to Portfolio of Healthy Baked Snack Systems

RBS has introduced a new pita chip production system that produces baked, split pita chips, as well as a variety of other baked crisp products. 
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New WCX Wirecut Machine Offers Maximum Product Flexibility, Improved Safety & Sanitation

RBS has introduced a new advanced Thomas L. Green WCX Wirecut Machine offering more product flexibility, control, better safety features and easier sanitation than previous designs.
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Breakthrough Technology Helps You Bake Perfect Product and Improve Oven Throughput

The new patented SCORPION® 2 Digital Humidity Sensor provides a better way to measure humidity in your oven, proofer, dryer and cooling tunnel.
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Instant, Even Hydration: Exact Mixing Awarded Patent for Cutting-Edge Hydrobond Technology

Exact Mixing, the leading supplier of innovative continuous mixing solutions, has been awarded patent protection for their Hydrobond Technology® by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
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